“When I decided to have a baby I went to Alisha to help me conceive faster. A few months later I was pregnant. The doctor who delivered my child was so impressed with my relaxed state during and after the birth, he asked for Alisha’s contact information”
– Adrienne Lusby, Mother/Writer
“’Infertile’ women utilizing hypnosis techniques have a 42-55% conception rate as compared to 20% with IVF alone.”
-Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association and the Journal of Fertility and Sterility
A real concern for many women is the inability to conceive a baby. Each year millions of dollars are spent to overcome ”infertility.” While modern medicine has improved, vast amounts of cash and emotion are spent in the pursuit of pregnancies that never happen. HypnoFertility® is a safe and effective way of increasing fertility.
According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, it is estimated that 10-15% of couples of childbearing age experience infertility. Many of these families will turn to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Studies have shown that including hypnotherapy in their treatment can double the success rate.
My program is designed to address the unique needs of each woman so she can increase the likelihood of conception. By releasing stress, emotional blocks, negative feelings and beliefs, she maximizes the possibility of conceiving either naturally or with the help of medical assistance.
Hypnosis for fertility relieves anxiety, lowers blood pressure, lifts depression, increases a sense of control and can balance hormones. Working with my program and following the guidelines, not only increases the odds of conception but also enhances your overall health.